Letter of Recommendation

Bethel Baptist Church
119 West Garner Street (Physical)
10634 Thompson Road (Mailing)
Wilson,  North Carolina  27896
(252) 237-3654 or (252) 205- 6713

Dear Pastor,
Let me introduce you to Bro. Raymond Beckles, his wife Tinyla, and their daughter Aaliyah.  Afterwards will you prayerfully consider supporting them as they endeavor to expand and enlarge a solid, Bible believing  Independent Baptist Church in Newport, Arkansas- a church reaching Black America?  The reason I ask your consideration is that (and hopefully you agree) there is still much work to be done in evangelizing this precious but sometimes neglected race of people. 
Now for my association with The Beckles.  Brother Beckles came to help in the ministry of Bethel Baptist Church in 2001.  He and I had never met prior to his union with this church.  We both came from Bible Baptist Church in Marysville, CA; but we were members there at different times.  He went there after my family and I left.  His eventual appearance here in Wilsonm, NC is remarkable because he had no obligation nor responsibility to me.  He was simply approaching the end of his enlistment in the Air Force and he wanted to be greatly used of the Lord in God’s place of choosing.  At the recommentation of our mutual pastor, Dr. Brad Weniger, he packed all his belongings and moved completely across the United States to help us.  He came here as a single man.  He served the Lord faithfully, ferverishly, and fondly.  After about six years the Lord gave him a wife, the former Tinyla Ceasar from Oklahoma.  He and Sister Tinyla jointly served God in the fervent way that Raymond had established.  Through the years they have directed the youth and music ministries; they have played a leading role in the care home ministry; they have been stalwarts in our soul winning ministry, they have given generously and probably sacrificially in the offerings, and they have been exemplary in almost every other way imaginable.  I can say without reservation that any pastor would be thrilled to have this family in their church.
We at Bethel Baptist Church sorely miss the Beckles, but we are pleased that the Lord has opened the door for Brother Beckles to pastor a church.  We prayerfully and financially support this devoted family in their new ministry.  I trust that you will do likewise.
Yours in Christ,

Pastor Leon H. Lucas

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